Monday, March 10, 2014

M-Theory: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The second installment of the M-Theory series, the EP M-Theory: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is finally done and available on CDBaby, iTunes, and

This second M-Theory EP is, obviously, inspired by the hilarious Douglas Adams series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which started out as a BBC radio program in 1979. Adams eventually developed this into a 5-book series (a sixth book, And Another Thing... was something Adams had always intended to write, since he felt Mostly Harmless was too bleak. Eoin Colfer was commissioned to write And Another Thing... in 2009).

The BBC also aired a television series in 1981, and in 2005, a major motion picture was released, with the title character of Arthur Dent played by Martin Freeman (of Sherlock and The Hobbit fame).

The tracks on this EP are:

  • Don't Panic
  • 42
  • Restaurant at the End of the Universe

In upcoming posts, I'll give a behind-the-scenes look at the inspiration behind and the writing process of these tracks.

I had a great time writing and producing these; I hope you like them.