Thursday, April 25, 2013

M-Theory: Doctor Who Out Now

Been busy since I posted last. Finally got the first installment in the M-Theory series released; you can get it here.'re wondering what the M-Theory series is? Well maybe you're not, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

M-Theory is an album series that's a tribute to great science fiction television and film. Being a huge science/science fiction junkie (as you may be able to tell by my artist name, M31), I thought it would be really fun and interesting to do three to four tracks inspired by my favorite science fiction television and film.

One night over a year ago, I was reading about a scientific theory called "m-theory, " while I was watching an episode of a British science fiction comedy called Red Dwarf. As I was trying to absorb the explanations of m-theory (which I was rather unsuccessful at, it should be said), it occurred to me that it would be fun to write some tracks that were inspired by movies and television series.

Immediately, Red Dwarf (of course), Doctor Who, and Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy came to mind, as well as Star Wars, Star Trek, and Stargate (the film, not the television series). And there are so many more, I realized. that this would make for a very interesting and challenging project. I decided I'd do three or four tracks for each series, and the first release in the series ended up being M-Theory: Doctor Who.

Why Doctor Who as the first one? Well, as it turns out, strangely enough, my oldest daughter became obsessed with the series over this last summer. She started watching the reboot of the series (starting with Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor). It reminded me of the many Doctor Who episodes I watched on our local PBS station, mainly with Tom Baker as the 4th Doctor. I decided it was a perfect place to start the M-Theory series.

The M-Theory: Doctor Who EP consists of three tracks: Doctor Who (M-Theory Original Mix), The Time Lord, and Doctor and Master.

The next few posts will contain behind-the-scenes info on the production of each of these tracks.

M-Theory: Doctor Who. Get it on CDBaby, iTunes, and Amazon.